The World’s First High Dynamic Range 3D Virtual Tour
This is how we made the World's First High Dynamic Range Full 360 Degree Stereoscopic Virtual tour.

The Hurd Library is a unique resource of ancient texts but you wouldn't kick it out of bed for eating biscuits either. A regular virtual tour just wasn’t capturing the the beauty of the building, the beams weren't beaming and the pillars weren't popping! By using HDR (High Dynamic Range) images, we could capture the shadows and highlights of the building, but then there was the issue of those popping pillars...

3D Photography isn't a new concept by any stretch, in fact many wood-be stereographers (including myself), produce perfectly pleasing pictures with two compact cameras (see link).

The trouble was that most compact cameras are not capable of taking the bracketed exposures necessary for HDR images. To do this we needed two SLR cameras, but these were too big to be secured the correct distance apart (about 85mm). The solution was simple, take your HDR images with an SLR camera and then move it 85mm to the right, rinse and repeat. Because we needed to ‘rinse and repeat’ 480 times, it would have been impossible to do this by eye. That was the problem, the solution was the Mk.9.

Like most good ideas, the Mk.9 began its life on the back of a envelope during a particularly tedious presentation.
Annoyingly, it doesn’t matter how enthusiastically you wave your hands about, fabricators want more than a crayon drawing and a prolific explanation
of what the device should do in order to do their job. So, I came up with these….
Ok, so the MK.9 is a relatively simple solution to a complicated problem. It was suggested that I should patent the design but I would be happy for anyone to use or modify these specifications for free, to make other devices.
I’d love to see what you come up with…

The fabricator (bit of a legend) came back a week later
and presented me with the device you see in action below.

Click Here to go to the virtual tour (not compatible with some versions of Internet Explorer)You’ll need the old school red and cyanglasses but if you haven’t got them don’t worry, just check out the video below!
You can use most viewing technologies to see this video in 3D but if you have none you can try putting the video in cross-eyed mode or turn the 3D off altogether by clicking the 3D button in the bottom right-hand corner of the video.
Interested in 3D photography and printing?

On the 26th May there will be a 3D photography and printing workshop held at Ravensbourne in London (opposite the 02 Arena). For more information click here.

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